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recently born

  • 1 recently born

    English-Ukrainian law dictionary > recently born

  • 2 recently born

    Юридический термин: новорождённый

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > recently born

  • 3 recently born

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > recently born

  • 4 recently born child

    English-Ukrainian law dictionary > recently born child

  • 5 born

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > born

  • 6 hatched

    Синонимический ряд:
    1. recently born (adj.) born anew; fresh; infant; new; newborn; reborn; recent; recently born; young
    2. devised (verb) concocted; contrived; devised; dream up; fabricated; formulated; invented; make up; think up
    3. generated (verb) bred; caused; created; engendered; fathered; generated; got up/got up or gotten up; induced; made; mustered up; occasioned; originated; parented; procreated; produced; provoked; sired; spawned; stirred; touch off; worked up or wrought up

    English-Russian base dictionary > hatched

  • 7 newborn

    1. a новорождённый; только что родившийся
    2. a возрождённый, возродившийся; обновлённый
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. recently born (adj.) born anew; fresh; hatched; infant; new; reborn; recent; recently born; young
    2. babe (noun) babe; baby; bantling; child; infant; kid; neonate; suckling; tot
    3. babies (noun) babes; babies; bantlings; infants; neonates
    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > newborn

  • 8 reborn

    1. n возрождённый, возродившийся; получивший новую жизнь
    2. n перевоплотившийся
    Синонимический ряд:
    recently born (adj.) born anew; fresh; hatched; infant; new; newborn; recent; recently born; young

    English-Russian base dictionary > reborn

  • 9 lately

    adv недавно, последнее время Русскому недавно соответствуют в английском языке наречия lately, recently и newly. Lately обозначает событие, которое началось незадолго до момента речи и обычно продолжается до этого момента или включает этот момент. Значение lately синонимично сочетаниям for/in the last/past few weeks (months, days):

    A lot has happened in the last few weeks/lately — Многое произошло за последние несколько недель.

    Have you done any painting lately?Вы что-нибудь написали в последнее время?

    I don't know what has come over her lately — she is so gloomy — Не знаю, что с ней последнее время происходит — так она мрачна.

    I have been trying to get in touch with you lately (for the past few days) — Последнее время я пытаюсь с вами связаться.

    Lately, как правило, стоит после смыслового глагола или в конце предложения:

    I haven't seen him lately.

    Recently может стоять в начале предложения или в середине предложения перед основным глаголом:

    I've recently reread the book.

    Recently a performance of this drama was renewed.

    Recently и newly относят уже завершенное событие к недавнему прошлому, но не включают момента речи и синонимичны словосочетаниям a short time ago, not long ago, a little while ago (back). При этом recently имеет более широкую сочетаемость и определяют глаголы и причастия прошедшего времени.

    It was only recently (a short time ago, not long ago) that he got a police warning about dangerous driving — Совсем недавно полиция его предупредила о нарушении правил езды.

    Newly обычно употребляется только атрибутивно с причастиями прошедшего времени:

    newly painted fence — свежевыкрашенный забор;

    newly elected members — недавно избранные члены;

    newly made — только что сделанный;

    newly born — новорожденный.

    English-Russian word troubles > lately

  • 10 lately

    недавно, последнее время

    I've seen (not seen) him lately. — Я недавно (давно не) видел его.

    I have not been feeling very well lately. — Я последнее время не очень хорошо себя чувствую.

    Русскому недавно соответствуют в английском языке наречия lately, recently и newly. Lately обозначает событие, которое началось незадолго до момента речи и обычно продолжается до этого момента или включает этот момент. Значение lately синонимично сочетаниям for/in the last/past few weeks (months, days): a lot has happened in the last few weeks /lately многое произошло за последние несколько недель; have you done any painting lately? вы что-нибудь нарисовали в последнее время?; I don't know what has come over her lately - she is so gloomy не знаю, что с ней последнее время происходит - она так мрачна; I have been trying to get in touch with you lately (for the past few days) я пытаюсь с вами связаться все последнее время. Lately, как правило, стоит после смыслового глагола, или в конце предложения: I haven't seen him lately. Recently может стоять в начале предложения или в середине предложения перед основным глаголом: I've recently reread the book. Я недавно перечитал эту книгу. Recently tte performance of this drama was renewed. Постановка этой пьесы была недавно обновлена. Recently и newly относят уже завершенное событие к недавнему прошлому, но не включают момента речи и синонимичны словосочетаниям a short time ago, not long ago, a little while ago (back). При этом recently имеет более широкую сочетаемость и определяет глаголы и причастия прошедшего времени: it was only recently (a short time ago, not long ago) that he got a police warning about dangerous driving совсем недавно полиция его предупредила о нарушении правил езды. Newly обычно употребляется только атрибутивно с причастиями прошедшего времени: newly painted fence свежевыкрашенный забор; newly elected members недавно избранные члены; newly made только что сделанный; newly born новорожденный

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > lately

  • 11 late

    1. adjective
    1) spät; (after proper time) verspätet

    be late for the trainden Zug verpassen

    the train is [ten minutes] late — der Zug hat [zehn Minuten] Verspätung

    spring is late this yeardieses Jahr haben wir einen späten Frühling

    late riser — Spätaufsteher, der/-aufsteherin, die

    late shift — Spätschicht, die

    it is latees ist [schon] spät

    have a late dinner — [erst] spät zu Abend essen

    late summer — Spätsommer, der

    2) (deceased) verstorben
    3) (former) ehemalig; vormalig
    4) (recent) letzt...

    in late timesin letzter Zeit. See also academic.ru/88633/later">later; latest

    2. adverb
    1) (after proper time) verspätet

    [too] late — zu spät

    they got home very late — sie kamen [erst] sehr spät nach Hause

    2) (far on in time) spät

    late last century — [gegen] Ende des letzten Jahrhunderts

    late in lifeerst im fortgeschrittenen Alter

    3) (at or till a late hour) spät

    be up/sit up late — bis spät in die Nacht od. lange aufbleiben

    work late at the office — [abends] lange im Büro arbeiten

    late of... — ehemals wohnhaft in...; ehemaliger Mitarbeiter [einer Firma]

    [a bit] late in the day — (fig. coll.) reichlich spät

    3. noun
    * * *
    [leit] 1. adjective
    1) (coming etc after the expected or usual time: The train is late tonight; I try to be punctual but I am always late.) spät
    2) (far on in the day or night: late in the day; late at night; It was very late when I got to bed.) spät
    3) (dead, especially recently: the late king.) früher
    4) (recently, but no longer, holding an office or position: Mr Allan, the late chairman, made a speech.) ehemalig
    2. adverb
    1) (after the expected or usual time: He arrived late for his interview.) zu spät
    2) (far on in the day or night: They always go to bed late.) spät
    - lateness
    - lately
    - later on
    - of late
    * * *
    I. adj
    <-r, -st>
    1. (behind time) verspätet attr
    to be \late bus, flight, train Verspätung haben; person zu spät kommen, sich akk verspäten
    my bus was 20 minutes \late mein Bus hatte 20 Minuten Verspätung
    sorry I'm \late tut mir leid, dass ich zu spät komme [o dass ich mich verspätet habe]
    we apologize for the \late arrival of the bus die verspätete Ankunft des Busses bitten wir zu entschuldigen
    interests will be charged for \late payment bei verspäteter Zahlung werden Zinsen fällig
    to be \late for sth zu spät zu etw dat kommen
    hurry up or you'll be \late for the bus beeil dich, sonst verpasst du noch den Bus
    to be \late for work zu spät zur Arbeit kommen
    2. (in the day) spät
    let's go home, it's getting \late lass uns nach Hause gehen, es ist schon spät
    I didn't know it was that \late! ich hatte keine Ahnung, dass es schon so spät ist!
    what are you doing up at this \late hour? warum bist du denn noch um diese Uhrzeit [o noch zu so später Stunde] auf?
    what is the \latest time I can have an appointment? wann wäre der späteste Termin?
    I've had too many \late nights last month ich bin letzten Monat zu oft zu spät ins Bett gekommen
    is it too \late to phone Jean? kann man Jean um diese Uhrzeit noch anrufen?
    I'm sorry the call is so \late tut mir leid, dass ich so spät [noch] anrufe
    \late last night she phoned me sie rief mich gestern Abend ganz spät noch an
    this part of town gets quite dangerous \later at night zu später Stunde wird es in diesem Stadtteil ziemlich gefährlich
    a \late breakfast/lunch ein spätes Frühstück/Mittagessen
    \late news Spätnachrichten pl
    here is a \late news flash jetzt noch ein paar Spätnachrichten
    to keep \late hours shops lange [o spät] geöffnet haben
    \late opening hours lange Öffnungszeiten
    \late shift Spätschicht f
    \late train Spätzug m
    3. attr (towards the end) spät
    she made some \late changes to the team sie hat die Teamzusammenstellung noch kurzfristig geändert
    they won the game with a \late goal sie gewannen mit einem Tor kurz vor Spielende
    in \later life she started painting in späteren Jahren hat sie angefangen zu malen
    \late tomorrow afternoon/evening/morning morgen am späten Nachmittag/Abend/Vormittag
    in the \late afternoon/evening spät am Nachmittag/Abend, spätnachmittags/spätabends
    in the \late morning am späten Vormittag
    the \late nineteenth century das ausgehende [o späte] 19. Jahrhundert
    \late October Ende Oktober
    the \late 70s die späten Siebzigerjahre
    \late strawberries Späterdbeeren pl
    \late summer/autumn [or AM also fall] der Spätsommer/-herbst
    to be in one's \late thirties/twenties Ende dreißig/zwanzig sein
    4. attr ARTS, MUS spät
    I prefer her earlier paintings to her \later work mir gefallen ihre frühen Gemälde besser als ihr Spätwerk
    \late Gothic style späte Gotik
    a \late work by Brahms ein spätes Stück von Brahms
    5. attr (former) früher, ehemalig
    a \late collegue of mine ein früherer [o ehemaliger] Kollege von mir
    6. attr (deceased) verstorben
    the \late Albert Einstein Albert Einstein
    her \late husband ihr verstorbener Mann
    7. attr (recent) jüngste(r, s); (last) letzte(r, s)
    some \late news has just come in that... soeben ist die Meldung hereingekommen, dass...
    II. adv
    <-r, -s>
    the train arrived \late der Zug hatte Verspätung
    sorry, I'm running a bit \late today tut mir leid, ich bin heute etwas spät dran
    she married \late sie hat spät geheiratet
    on Sundays I get up \late Sonntags stehe ich später auf
    can I stay up \late tonight? darf ich heute länger aufbleiben?
    to work \late länger arbeiten
    Ann has to work \late today Ann muss heute Überstunden machen
    [too] \late zu spät
    he arrived \late er traf zu spät ein
    the letter arrived two days \late der Brief ist zwei Tage zu spät angekommen
    he realized the truth too \late er hat die Wahrheit zu spät erkannt
    2. (at an advanced time) zu fortgeschrittener [o vorgerückter] Stunde
    there's a good film on \late heute kommt spätabends [o spät am Abend] ein guter Film
    \late that evening, there was knock at the door am späten Abend [o spätabends] klopfte es an der Tür
    we talked \late into the night wir haben bis spät in die Nacht geredet
    it happened \late last century, in 1998 to be exact es ist kurz vor der Jahrtausendwende passiert, um genau zu sein im Jahr 1998
    \late in the afternoon/at night am späten Nachmittag/Abend, spätnachmittags/spätabends
    \late in the evening/night spät am Abend/in der Nacht
    \late in the day spät [am Tag], gegen Ende des Tages; ( fig: late) spät; ( fig: at the very last moment) im [aller]letzten Augenblick
    it's rather \late in the day to do sth ( fig) es ist schon beinahe zu spät um etw zu tun
    too \late in the day ( also fig) zu spät
    \late in the game gegen Ende des Spiels; ( fig)
    it's too \late in the game to do sth es ist zu spät um etw zu tun
    \late in life in fortgeschrittenem Alter, spät [im Leben]
    he got his driver's licence \late in life er machte erst sehr spät den Führerschein
    \late in March/this month/this year gegen Ende März/des Monats/des Jahres
    to get up \late spät aufstehen
    to stay up \late lange aufbleiben
    as \late as noch
    they were using horses on this farm [until] as \late as the 1980s auf dieser Farm arbeiteten sie noch bis in die Achtzigerjahre mit Pferden
    of \late in letzter Zeit
    4. ( form: formerly)
    \late of bis vor Kurzem
    Dr. Averly, \late of Newcastle General Hospital,... Herr Dr. Averly, bis vor Kurzem noch am Allgemeinen Krankenhaus von Newcastle [tätig],...
    * * *
    1. adj (+er)

    to be late (for sth) — (zu etw) zu spät kommen

    the train/bus is (five minutes) late — der Zug/Bus hat (fünf Minuten) Verspätung

    dinner will be late tonight — wir essen heute Abend später; (in hotels) es wird heute Abend später serviert

    he is late with his renter hat seine Miete noch nicht bezahlt

    my period is late, I am late — meine Periode ist noch nicht da

    that made me late for work —

    I don't want to make you late for work — ich möchte nicht, dass du zu spät zur Arbeit kommst

    due to the late arrival of... — wegen der verspäteten Ankunft... (+gen)

    it's too late in the day (for you) to do that —

    it's not too late to change your mind — es ist noch nicht zu spät, um es sich anders zu überlegen

    3) hour spät; opening hours lang

    late train/bus — Spätzug/-bus m

    at this late hour — zu so später Stunde, so spät

    they work late hours —

    the night was cold and the hour latedie Nacht war kalt und es war sehr spät

    late potato/summer/edition/programme — Spätkartoffel f/-sommer m/-ausgabe f/-programm nt

    "late opening until 7pm on Fridays" — "freitags verlängerte Öffnungszeiten bis 19 Uhr"

    late entrants to the examination will be charged £10 extra — für Nachmeldungen zur Prüfung wird eine Gebühr von £ 10 erhoben

    a man in his late eighties — ein Mann hoch in den Achtzigern, ein Endachtziger

    a late 18th-century buildingein Gebäude aus dem späten 18. Jahrhundert

    4) (= deceased) verstorben

    the late John F. Kennedy — John F. Kennedy


    (= former) the late Prime Minister — der frühere or vorige Premierminister

    6) (= recent) jüngst

    late of No 13 White St — ehemals White St Nr. 13

    2. adv

    I'll be home late today — ich komme heute spät nach Hause, es wird heute spät

    the train arrived/was running eight minutes late — der Zug hatte acht Minuten Verspätung

    late last century/in the year — (gegen) Ende des letzten Jahrhunderts/Jahres

    they scored late in the second half —

    we decided rather late in the day to come too — wir haben uns ziemlich spät entschlossen, auch zu kommen

    he left it very late in the day (to decide) — er hat (mit seiner Entscheidung) bis zum letzten Augenblick gewartet

    * * *
    late [leıt]
    A adj (adv lately)
    1. spät:
    at a late hour spät (a. fig), zu später Stunde;
    keep late hours spät aufstehen und spät zu Bett gehen;
    late fruits pl Spätobst n;
    late riser Spätaufsteher(in), Langschläfer(in);
    late shift WIRTSCH Spätschicht f, -dienst m;
    be on late shift Spätschicht oder -dienst haben;
    it’s getting late es ist schon spät;
    I had a late night ich bin erst spät ins Bett gekommen; developer 3
    2. vorgerückt, spät…, Spät…:
    late summer Spätsommer m;
    Late Latin Spätlatein n;
    the late 18th century das späte 18. Jh.;
    late work Spätwerk n (eines Künstlers);
    she is (a woman) in her late sixties sie ist hoch in den Sechzigern, sie ist eine Endsechzigerin
    3. verspätet, zu spät:
    a) zu spät kommen, sich verspäten, spät dran sein,
    b) Verspätung haben (Zug etc),
    c) im Rückstand sein;
    be late for dinner zu spät zum Essen kommen;
    be 10 minutes late 10 Minuten zu spät kommen;
    you’ll be late for your own funeral umg hum du kommst noch zu deinem eigenen Begräbnis zu spät;
    it is too late es ist zu spät
    4. letzt(er, e, es), jüngst(er, e, es), neu:
    the late war der letzte Krieg;
    the latest fashion die neueste Mode;
    the latest news die neuesten Nachrichten;
    his latest work sein jüngstes Werk;
    of late years in den letzten Jahren; thing2 3
    5. a) letzt(er, e, es), früher(er, e, es), ehemalig, vormalig:
    our late enemy unser ehemaliger Feind;
    the late government die letzte Regierung;
    my late residence meine frühere Wohnung;
    late of Oxford früher in Oxford (wohnhaft)
    b) verstorben:
    the late lamented der oder die jüngst Entschlafene oder Verstorbene
    B adv
    1. spät:
    as late as last year erst oder noch letztes Jahr;
    better late than never lieber spät als gar nicht;
    see you later auf bald!, bis später!;
    later on später;
    keep ( oder sit, stay) up late lang oder bis spät in die Nacht aufbleiben;
    late last month Ende letzten Monats;
    late in the day umg reichlich spät, ein bisschen spät;
    come latest als Letzter oder zuletzt kommen; afternoon A, night Bes Redew, sleep A 1
    2. zu spät:
    the train came late der Zug hatte Verspätung
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) spät; (after proper time) verspätet

    the train is [ten minutes] late — der Zug hat [zehn Minuten] Verspätung

    late riser — Spätaufsteher, der/-aufsteherin, die

    late shift — Spätschicht, die

    it is late — es ist [schon] spät

    have a late dinner — [erst] spät zu Abend essen

    late summer — Spätsommer, der

    2) (deceased) verstorben
    3) (former) ehemalig; vormalig
    4) (recent) letzt...

    in late times — in letzter Zeit. See also later; latest

    2. adverb
    1) (after proper time) verspätet

    [too] late — zu spät

    they got home very late — sie kamen [erst] sehr spät nach Hause

    late last century — [gegen] Ende des letzten Jahrhunderts

    be up/sit up late — bis spät in die Nacht od. lange aufbleiben

    work late at the office — [abends] lange im Büro arbeiten

    late of... — ehemals wohnhaft in...; ehemaliger Mitarbeiter [einer Firma]

    [a bit] late in the day — (fig. coll.) reichlich spät

    3. noun

    English-german dictionary > late

  • 12 bear

    I [bɛə] гл.; прош. вр. bore; прич. прош. вр. born, borne
    1) носить, нести; переносить

    three kings bearing gifts — три царя, несущих дары

    She was bearing a tray of brimming glasses. — Она несла поднос, уставленный наполненными до краёв бокалами.

    The spores are borne on the wind. — Эти споры разносятся ветром.

    carry 1.
    2) книжн.
    а) нести на себе, иметь (знаки, признаки, следы)

    to bear the signature — иметь подпись, быть подписанным

    to bear resemblance — быть похожим, иметь сходство

    This letter bears no date. — На этом письме нет даты.

    The town still bears the scars of the bombings during the war. — Город по-прежнему полон следов военных бомбардировок.

    б) носить (имя, титул)

    They bore the title Count of Nassau. — Они носили титул графов Нассау.

    в) питать, испытывать ( чувство)

    He bore her no malice. — Он не питал к ней никакой злобы.

    г) держать ( в голове); удерживать ( в памяти)

    I'll bear the idea in mind. — Я это учту.

    Bear in mind that the price does not include flights. — Учтите также, что цена не включает авиаперелёт.

    3) касаться, иметь отношение (к кому-л. / чему-л.)

    The title of the essay bore little relation to the contents. — Название этого очерка мало вязалось с его содержанием.

    4) ( bear (up)on) (отрицательно) сказываться на (ком-л. / чём-л.)

    The rise in the cost of living bears hard on old people living on fixed incomes. — Рост прожиточного минимума особенно тяжело сказывается на пенсионерах как на людях, имеющих твёрдый, фиксированный доход.

    5) = bear up выдерживать нагрузку; нести груз, тяжесть; поддерживать, подпирать

    This plank will not bear your weight. — Эта доска не выдержит вашего веса.

    The four pillars bear the arch. — Четыре колонны поддерживают арку.

    Do you think that the floor will bear up under the weight of the new machinery? — Вы думаете, пол выдержит вес новых станков?

    6) нести (расходы, ответственность)

    to bear the losses — нести потери, терпеть убытки

    No on likes to bear the responsibility for such decisions. — Никому не понравится нести ответственность за такие решения.

    7) = bear up выносить, выдерживать ( испытания)

    He couldn't bear the pain. — Он не мог выдержать боли.

    He couldn't bear the humiliation. — Он не мог пережить этого унижения.

    Alice bore up well under the news of her husband's death. — Элис стойко перенесла известие о смерти мужа.


    I can't bear him. — Я его не выношу.

    This bears no comparison. — Это не выдерживает сравнения.

    His story does not bear scrutiny. — При внимательном рассмотрении его история вызовет вопросы.

    9) ( bear with) относиться терпеливо к (чему-л.); мириться с (чем-л.)

    You must bear with his bad temper; he has recently been ill. — Вы должны терпеливо относиться к его плохому настроению, он недавно болел.

    Bear with me while I try to remember exactly what he said. — Потерпите минутку, я попытаюсь точно вспомнить, что он сказал.

    put up with, stand
    10) опираться (на что-л.); нажимать, давить
    press I 2.
    а) простираться (куда-л.); находиться (где-л.)
    б) двигаться (в каком-л. направлении)

    Bear right when the road divides. — У развилки возьмите направо.

    to bear testimony / witness — свидетельствовать, показывать

    14) книжн. распространять; передавать ( информацию)

    I will bear your message. — Я передам вашу информацию.

    15) прич. прош. вр. born рождать, производить на свет

    born in 1914 — рождённый в 1914 году, 1914-го года рождения

    She is unable to bear. — Она не может иметь детей.

    These apple trees are not going to bear. — Эти яблони не будут плодоносить.

    yield 2.
    17) ( bear oneself) вести себя, держаться

    She bore herself with dignity. — Она держалась с достоинством.

    - bear down
    - bear off
    - bear out
    - bear up
    - bear arms
    - bear company
    - bear comparison
    - bear a hand
    - bear hard on smb.
    - bear a part
    - be borne in
    - bring to bear
    II [bɛə] 1. сущ. - grizzly bear
    - polar bear
    2) = teddy bear плюшевый медвежонок ( детская игрушка)
    3) неуклюжий, грубый человек

    to play the bear — вести себя невежливо, грубо

    4) эк. биржевой спекулянт, играющий на понижение, "медведь"
    5) тех. дыропробивной пресс, медведка
    6) метал. козёл
    7) амер.; разг. полицейский
    8) ( the Bear) разг. Россия

    When he allowed himself to be flown back to Moscow he was consciously putting his head in the Bear's mouth. — Позволив увезти себя обратно в Москву, он сознательно клал голову в пасть русского медведя.


    are you there with your bears? — опять вы здесь?; опять вы делаете то же самое?

    to take a bear by the tooth — без нужды подвергать себя опасности, лезть на рожон

    had it been a bear it would have bitten you — вы ошиблись, обознались; (оказалось) не так страшно, как вы думали

    - Great Bear 2. гл.; эк. III [bɛə] сущ.; диал.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > bear

  • 13 track

    1. noun
    1) Spur, die; (of wild animal) Fährte, die

    tracks (footprints) [Fuß]spuren; (of animal also) Fährte, die

    cover one's tracks(fig.) seine Spur verwischen

    be on somebody's track — jemandem auf der Spur sein; (fig.): (in possession of clue to somebody's plans) jemandem auf die Schliche gekommen sein

    be on the right/wrong track — (fig.) auf der richtigen/falschen Spur sein

    keep track of somebody/something — jemanden/etwas im Auge behalten

    lose track of somebody/something — jemanden/etwas aus den Augen verlieren

    make tracks(coll.) (depart) sich auf die Socken machen (ugs.)

    stop [dead] in one's tracks — (coll.) auf der Stelle stehen bleiben

    2) (path) [unbefestigter] Weg; (footpath) Pfad, der; (fig.) Weg, der
    3) (Sport) Bahn, die

    cycling/ greyhound track — Radrennbahn, die/Windhundrennbahn, die

    circuit of the track — Bahnrunde, die

    4) (Railw.) Gleis, das

    single/double track — eingleisige/zweigleisige Strecke

    5) (course taken) Route, die; (of rocket, satellite, comet, missile, hurricane, etc.) Bahn, die
    6) (of tank, tractor, etc.) Kette, die
    7) (section of record) Stück, das
    8) see academic.ru/111441/soundtrack">soundtrack
    2. transitive verb

    track an animal — die Spur/Fährte eines Tieres verfolgen

    the police tracked him [to Paris] — die Polizei folgte seiner Spur [bis nach Paris]

    track a rocket/satellite — die Bahn einer Rakete/eines Satelliten verfolgen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    - track down
    * * *
    [træk] 1. noun
    1) (a mark left, especially a footprint etc: They followed the lion's tracks.) die Fährte
    2) (a path or rough road: a mountain track.) der Weg
    3) ((also racetrack) a course on which runners, cyclists etc race: a running track; ( also adjective) the 100 metres sprint and other track events.) die Bahn; Leichtathletik-...
    4) (a railway line.) die Schiene
    2. verb
    (to follow (eg an animal) by the marks, footprints etc that it has left: They tracked the wolf to its lair.) nachspüren
    - track-suit
    - in one's tracks
    - keep/lose track of
    - make tracks for
    - make tracks
    - track down
    - tracker dog
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (path) Weg m, Pfad m
    forest \track Waldweg m
    muddy \track Matschweg m
    \tracks pl Schienen pl
    “keep off the \tracks” „Betreten der Gleise verboten“
    to leave the \tracks entgleisen
    3. (for curtains) Schiene f
    4. AM RAIL (platform) Bahnsteig m, Perron m SCHWEIZ
    5. usu pl ( also fig: mark) Spur f a. fig; of a deer Fährte f
    tyre \tracks Reifenspuren pl, Pneuspuren pl SCHWEIZ
    to be on the \track of sb [or on sb's \track] jdm auf der Spur [o auf den Fersen] sein
    to cover up one's \tracks seine Spuren verwischen
    to leave \tracks Spuren hinterlassen
    6. (path) of a hurricane Bahn f; of a comet [Lauf]bahn f; of an airplane Route f
    7. no pl ( fig: course) Weg m
    I tried to follow the \track of his argument ich versuchte, seinem Gedankengang zu folgen
    the company is on \track to make record profits die Firma ist auf dem besten Weg, Rekordgewinne zu erzielen
    we were rather behind our schedule, but we've managed to get back on \track now wir waren ziemlich in Verzug geraten, aber inzwischen läuft wieder alles nach Zeitplan
    to keep the economy on/to get [or put] the economy back on \track die Wirtschaft in Schwung halten/wieder in Schwung bringen
    to get one's life back on \track sein Leben wieder ins Lot bringen
    to be on the right/wrong \track auf dem richtigen/falschen Weg sein
    8. no pl (educational path) Laufbahn f; (career path) Berufsweg m
    to change \track [completely] eine [völlig] neue Richtung einschlagen
    9. SPORT for running Laufbahn f; for race cars Piste f; for bikes Radrennbahn f, Velorennbahn f SCHWEIZ
    10. no pl (athletics) Leichtathletik f
    11. (piece of music) Nummer f, Stück nt, Track m sl; (in a film) Soundtrack m
    backing \track Backgroundmusik f kein pl
    12. (on a tape) Tonspur f; (on a record) Rille f; COMPUT [Magnet]spur f
    four-\track tape recorder Vierspur[tonband]gerät nt
    13. (between wheels) Spurweite f
    14. NAUT Hohlkehle f fachspr, Nut f fachspr
    15. (on a bulldozer, tank) Kette f
    16. LAW Rechtsweg m
    fast \track beschleunigtes Verfahren
    multi-\track reguläres Verfahren, ≈ Untersuchungsverfahren nt
    small claims \track Verfahren nt für Bagatellsachen
    17. ELEC Leiter m
    to be off the beaten \track abgelegen sein
    to get off [the] \track vom Thema abweichen
    to keep \track of sb/sth (follow) jdn/etw im Auge behalten; (count) jdn/etw zählen
    to live [or be] on the wrong side of the \tracks ( fam) aus ärmlichen Verhältnissen stammen
    to lose \track of sb/sth (lose contact) jdn/etw aus den Augen verlieren
    to lose \track [of sth] (be confused about) [über etw akk] den Überblick verlieren; (not keep up to date) [über etw akk] nicht mehr auf dem Laufenden sein
    I use to know everything about him, but I've lost \track recently ich wusste früher alles über ihn, aber neuerdings bin ich nicht mehr auf dem Laufenden
    he had lost all \track of time er hatte jegliches Zeitgefühl verloren
    to make \tracks ( fam) sich akk aufmachen
    I'd better make \tracks now ich mach mich jetzt besser auf die Socken fam
    to make \tracks for London/the pub sich akk auf den Weg nach London/zur Kneipe machen
    to stop [or halt] sb [dead] in their \tracks jdn vor Schreck [vollkommen] erstarren lassen
    to stop [or halt] [or freeze] in one's \tracks vor Schreck erstarren
    to throw sb off the \track jdn auf die falsche Fährte führen fig
    in one's \tracks an Ort und Stelle
    \track medal (in racing) Rennsportmedaille f
    III. vt
    1. (pursue)
    to \track sth etw verfolgen
    to \track an animal die Fährte eines Tieres verfolgen
    to \track sb jds Spur verfolgen
    the terrorists were \tracked to Amsterdam die Spur der Terroristen konnte bis nach Amsterdam verfolgt werden
    2. (follow the trail of)
    to \track sb's career/record jds Karriere/Vorgeschichte verfolgen
    to \track a storm/hurricane einen Sturm/Orkan verfolgen
    3. (find)
    to \track sth/sb/an animal etw/jdn/ein Tier aufspüren
    the kidnapper was \tracked to the airport der Entführer wurde am Flughafen aufgespürt
    to \track a criminal/target einen Kriminellen/ein Ziel aufspüren
    to \track sand/dirt in the house Sand-/Schmutzspuren im Haus hinterlassen
    5. AM SCH (divide into groups)
    to \track students Schüler in Gruppen einteilen
    IV. vi
    1. camera heranfahren
    2. storm, hurricane ziehen; stylus sich akk bewegen
    3. (wheels) spurgenau laufen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= trail) Fährte f, Spur f; (of tyres) (Fahr)spur f

    you can't expect to keep track of your friends if you never write to themdu kannst nicht erwarten, Kontakt zu deinen Freunden zu behalten, wenn du nie schreibst

    I can't keep track of his movements or of him — ich weiß nie, wo er sich gerade aufhält

    how do you keep track of the time without a watch? — wie können Sie wissen, wie spät es ist, wenn Sie keine Uhr haben?

    I can't keep track of your girlfriendsdu hast so viele Freundinnen, da komme ich nicht mit (inf)

    no-one can keep track of the situationniemand hat mehr einen Überblick über die Lage

    we lost track of time — wir haben die Zeit ganz vergessen, wir haben einfach nicht auf die Uhr or Zeit geachtet

    I lost track of what he was saying — ich habe nicht (mehr) mitbekommen, was er gesagt hat

    2) (fig)

    he made tracks for London — er ging/fuhr nach London

    to stop sb (dead) in his/her tracks — jdn abrupt zum Stillstand bringen

    to cover ( up) one's tracks — seine Spuren verwischen

    3) (= path) Weg m, Pfad m

    to be on the wrong track (fig) — auf dem falschen Weg sein, auf dem Holzweg sein (inf)

    4) (= course of hurricane) Weg m; (of comet) (Lauf)bahn f; (of rocket) Bahn f, Kurs m
    5) (RAIL) Gleise pl; (US = platform) Bahnsteig m

    "keep off the track" —

    double/single track line — zwei-/eingleisige Strecke

    6) (SPORT) Rennbahn f; (ATHLETICS) Bahn f; (MOTORSPORT) Piste f, Bahn f; (= circuit) Rennstrecke f; (CYCLING) Radrennbahn f
    7) (on tape, diskette, CD) Spur f; (= song etc) Stück nt
    9) (AUT between wheels) Spur(weite) f
    2. vt
    1) (= follow) person, animal verfolgen; movements folgen (+dat); (COMPUT) nachverfolgen; (SPACE) rocket die Flugbahn (+gen) verfolgen
    2) (US)
    3. vi
    1) (= follow trail) Fährten lesen
    3) (FILM, TV) fahren
    4) (= move) (hurricane etc) ziehen; (stylus) sich bewegen
    * * *
    track [træk]
    A s
    1. (Fuß-, Ski-, Wagen-, Wild- etc) Spur f, Fährte f (beide auch fig):
    the track of my thoughts mein Gedankengang;
    be on sb’s track jemandem auf der Spur sein;
    be hot on sb’s tracks jemandem dicht auf den Fersen sein;
    be on the right track fig auf der richtigen Spur oder auf dem richtigen Weg sein;
    be on the wrong track, be off the track fig auf der falschen Spur oder auf dem falschen Weg oder auf dem Holzweg sein;
    cover up one’s tracks seine Spur(en) verwischen;
    a) sich auf die Socken machen,
    b) abhauen, verschwinden;
    make tracks for home umg sich auf den Heimweg machen;
    keep track of fig etwas verfolgen, sich auf dem Laufenden halten über (akk);
    lose track of aus den Augen verlieren;
    lose all track of time jegliches Zeitgefühl verlieren;
    put ( oder throw) sb off the track jemanden von der (richtigen) Spur ablenken;
    shoot sb in their tracks jemanden auf der Stelle niederschießen;
    stop in one’s tracks US abrupt stehen bleiben; beaten B 4 b
    2. BAHN Gleis n, Geleise n und pl, Schienenstrang m:
    off the track entgleist, aus den Schienen;
    on track WIRTSCH auf der Achse, rollend;
    jump the tracks aus den Schienen springen, entgleisen;
    he was born on the wrong side of the tracks US er stammt aus ärmlichen Verhältnissen
    3. a) SCHIFF Fahrwasser n, Seegatt n
    b) FLUG Kurs m über Grund
    4. SCHIFF Track m, (übliche) Route:
    5. Pfad m, Weg m (beide auch fig)
    6. Bahn f (eines Geschosses, Kometen etc):
    (clear the) track! Bahn frei!
    7. SPORT
    a) (Renn-, Lauf) Bahn f
    b) meist track events Laufdisziplinen pl
    c) US Leichtathletik f
    8. a) Spur f (eines Tonbands etc)
    b) COMPUT Track m (abgegrenzter Bereich eines Magnetspeichers, in dem eine Bitfolge gespeichert werden kann)
    9. Track m, Stück n, Nummer f (besonders einer CD)
    10. PHYS Bahnspur f
    11. AUTO
    a) Spurweite f
    b) Reifenprofil n
    12. (Gleis-, Raupen) Kette f (eines Traktors etc)
    13. SCHULE US Leistungsgruppe f (innerhalb einer Klasse)
    B v/t
    1. nachgehen, -spüren (dat), verfolgen (to bis):
    track changes COMPUT (Menübefehl) Änderungen nachverfolgen
    2. track down Wild, einen Verbrecher etc aufspüren, zur Strecke bringen
    3. auch track out aufspüren, ausfindig machen
    4. einen Weg kennzeichnen
    5. eine Wüste etc durchqueren
    6. auch track up US Schmutzspuren hinterlassen auf (dat)
    7. BAHN US Gleise verlegen in (dat)
    8. AUTO, TECH mit Raupenketten versehen:
    tracked vehicle Ketten-, Raupenfahrzeug n
    9. SCHULE US eine Klasse in Leistungsgruppen einteilen
    C v/i
    1. TECH in der Spur bleiben (Räder, Saphirnadel etc), Spur halten
    2. FILM (mit der Kamera) fahren:
    track in on heranfahren an (akk)
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) Spur, die; (of wild animal) Fährte, die

    tracks (footprints) [Fuß]spuren; (of animal also) Fährte, die

    cover one's tracks(fig.) seine Spur verwischen

    be on somebody's track — jemandem auf der Spur sein; (fig.): (in possession of clue to somebody's plans) jemandem auf die Schliche gekommen sein

    be on the right/wrong track — (fig.) auf der richtigen/falschen Spur sein

    keep track of somebody/something — jemanden/etwas im Auge behalten

    lose track of somebody/something — jemanden/etwas aus den Augen verlieren

    make tracks(coll.) (depart) sich auf die Socken machen (ugs.)

    stop [dead] in one's tracks — (coll.) auf der Stelle stehen bleiben

    2) (path) [unbefestigter] Weg; (footpath) Pfad, der; (fig.) Weg, der
    3) (Sport) Bahn, die

    cycling/ greyhound track — Radrennbahn, die/Windhundrennbahn, die

    circuit of the track — Bahnrunde, die

    4) (Railw.) Gleis, das

    single/double track — eingleisige/zweigleisige Strecke

    5) (course taken) Route, die; (of rocket, satellite, comet, missile, hurricane, etc.) Bahn, die
    6) (of tank, tractor, etc.) Kette, die
    7) (section of record) Stück, das
    2. transitive verb

    track an animal — die Spur/Fährte eines Tieres verfolgen

    the police tracked him [to Paris] — die Polizei folgte seiner Spur [bis nach Paris]

    track a rocket/satellite — die Bahn einer Rakete/eines Satelliten verfolgen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    verfolgen v. (railway) n.
    Gleis -e n. (trace) n.
    Fährte -n f. n.
    Fußspur -en f.
    Spur -en f.

    English-german dictionary > track

  • 14 day

    1) Tag, der

    all day [long] — den ganzen Tag [lang]

    take all day(fig.) eine Ewigkeit brauchen

    all day and every day — tagaus, tagein

    to this day, from that day to this — bis zum heutigen Tag

    for two days — zwei Tage [lang]

    what's the day or what day is it today? — welcher Tag ist heute?

    in a day/two days — (within) in od. an einem Tag/in zwei Tagen

    [on] the day after/before — am Tag danach/davor

    [the] next/[on] the following/[on] the previous day — am nächsten/folgenden/vorhergehenden Tag

    the day before yesterday/after tomorrow — vorgestern/übermorgen

    from this/that day [on] — von heute an/von diesem Tag an

    one of these [fine] days — eines [schönen] Tages

    some day — eines Tages; irgendwann einmal

    day by day, from day to day — von Tag zu Tag

    day in day out — tagaus, tagein

    call it a day(end work) Feierabend machen; (more generally) Schluss machen

    at the end of the day(fig.) letzten Endes

    it's not my day — ich habe [heute] einen schlechten Tag

    2) in sing. or pl. (period)

    in the days when... — zu der Zeit, als...

    in those days — damals; zu jener Zeit

    have seen/known better days — bessere Tage gesehen/gekannt haben

    in one's day — zu seiner Zeit; (during lifetime) in seinem Leben

    every dog has its dayjeder hat einmal seine Chance

    it has had its dayes hat ausgedient (ugs.)

    3) (victory)

    win or carry the day — den Sieg davontragen

    * * *
    [dei] 1. noun
    1) (the period from sunrise to sunset: She worked all day; The days are warm but the nights are cold.) der Tag
    2) (a part of this period eg that part spent at work: How long is your working day?; The school day ends at 3 o'clock; I see him every day.) der Tag
    3) (the period of twenty-four hours from one midnight to the next: How many days are in the month of September?) der Tag
    4) ((often in plural) the period of, or of the greatest activity, influence, strength etc of (something or someone): in my grandfather's day; in the days of steam-power.) die Tage (pl.)
    - academic.ru/18551/daybreak">daybreak
    - day-dream 2. verb
    She often day-dreams.) mit offenen Augen träumen
    - daylight
    - day school
    - daytime
    - call it a day
    - day by day
    - day in
    - day out
    - make someone's day
    - one day
    - some day
    - the other day
    * * *
    1. (24 hours) Tag m
    my birthday is ten \days from now heute in zehn Tagen habe ich Geburtstag
    what a \day! was für ein Tag!
    you're forty if you're a \day ( fam) du bist mindestens vierzig [Jahre alt]
    you don't look a \day over forty Sie sehen kein bisschen älter als vierzig aus
    we're expecting the response any \day now die Antwort kann jetzt jeden Tag kommen
    today is not my \day heute ist nicht mein Tag
    today of all \days ausgerechnet heute
    for a few \days auf ein paar Tage, für einige Tage
    in a few \days[' time] in einigen [o in ein paar] Tagen
    from one \day to the next (suddenly) von heute auf morgen; (in advance) im Voraus
    from one \day to the other von einem Tag auf den anderen
    one \day eines Tages
    to be one of those \days einer dieser unglückseligen Tage sein
    the other \day neulich, vor einigen Tagen
    some \day irgendwann [einmal]
    \day in, \day out tagaus, tagein
    from this \day forth von heute an
    from that \day on[wards] von dem Tag an
    the \day after tomorrow übermorgen
    the \day before yesterday vorgestern
    \day after \day Tag für Tag, tagtäglich
    \day by \day Tag für Tag
    by the \day von Tag zu Tag
    from \day to \day von Tag zu Tag
    to the \day auf den Tag genau
    to this \day bis heute
    these \days (recently) in letzter Zeit; (nowadays) heutzutage, heute; (at the moment) zurzeit
    one of these \days eines Tages; (soon) demnächst [einmal]; (some time or other) irgendwann [einmal]
    2. ECON (work period) Tag m
    he works three \days on, two \days off er arbeitet drei Tage und hat dann zwei Tage frei
    I have a full \day tomorrow morgen ist mein Tag randvoll mit Terminen, morgen habe ich einen anstrengenden Tag
    working \day Arbeitstag m
    all \day den ganzen Tag
    to work an eight-hour \day acht Stunden am Tag arbeiten
    to take a \day off einen Tag freinehmen
    3. (not night) Tag m
    all \day [long] den ganzen Tag [über [o lang]]
    \day and night Tag und Nacht
    a sunny/wet \day ein sonniger/regnerischer Tag
    by \day tagsüber, während des Tages
    4. (former time) Zeit f
    those were the \days das waren noch Zeiten
    to have seen better \days schon bessere Tage [o Zeiten] gesehen haben
    in the old \days früher
    in the good old \days in der guten alten Zeit
    to have had one's \day seine [beste] Zeit gehabt haben
    in the \days before/of/when... zur Zeit vor/des/, als...
    in those \days damals
    in/since sb's \day zu/seit jds Zeit
    things have quite changed since my \day seit meiner Zeit hat sich einiges verändert
    in my younger/student \days... als ich noch jung/Student war,...
    5. no pl (present)
    in this \day and age heutzutage
    of the \day Tages-
    the news of the \day die Tagesnachrichten [o Nachrichten von heute
    6. (life)
    sb's \days pl jds Leben nt
    her \days are numbered ihre Tage sind gezählt
    to end one's \days in poverty sein Leben [o geh seine Tage] in Armut beschließen
    in all my [born] \days in meinem ganzen Leben
    until my/her dying \day bis an mein/ihr Lebensende
    7. (special date) Tag m
    \day of Atonement [jüdisches] Versöhnungsfest
    the \day of Judg[e]ment der Jüngste Tag
    any \day jederzeit
    I can beat you any \day! ( fam) dich kann ich jederzeit schlagen!
    back in the \day AM (sl) in der Vergangenheit
    the big \day der große Tag
    to call it a \day Schluss machen [für heute]
    to carry [or win] the \day den Sieg davontragen geh
    at the end of the \day (in the final analysis) letzten Endes; (finally, eventually) schließlich, zum Schluss
    to make sb's \day jds Tag retten
    to name the \day den Hochzeitstermin festsetzen, den Tag der Hochzeit festlegen
    to be like night and \day wie Tag und Nacht sein
    sb's \days [as sth] are numbered jds Tage [als etw] sind gezählt
    from \day one von Anfang an, vom ersten Tag an
    to pass the time of \day plaudern, SÜDD, ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ a. plauschen
    that will be the \day! ( fam) das möchte ich zu gern[e] einmal erleben! fam
    to be all in a \day's work zum Alltag gehören
    * * *
    1) Tag m

    it will arrive any day nowes muss jeden Tag kommen

    what day is it today? — welcher Tag ist heute?, was haben wir heute?

    the day after/before, the following/previous day — am Tag danach/zuvor, am (darauf)folgenden/vorhergehenden Tag

    one day we went swimming, and the next... — einen Tag gingen wir schwimmen, und den nächsten...

    one of these days — irgendwann (einmal), eines Tages

    day in, day out — tagein, tagaus

    day after day — Tag für Tag, tagtäglich

    day by day — jeden Tag, täglich

    to work day and night —

    have a nice day! — viel Spaß!; ( esp US, said by storekeeper etc ) schönen Tag noch!

    did you have a good day at the office? —

    to have a good/bad day — einen guten/schlechten Tag haben

    what a day! (terrible)so ein fürchterlicher Tag!; (lovely) so ein herrlicher Tag!

    on a wet/dry day — an einem regnerischen/trockenen Tag

    to work an eight-hour day — einen Achtstundentag haben, acht Stunden am Tag arbeiten

    → make

    (period of time: often pl) these days — heute, heutzutage

    in days to come — künftig, in künftigen Zeiten or Tagen (geh)

    in Queen Victoria's day, in the days of Queen Victoria — zu Königin Viktorias Zeiten

    it's early days yet —

    he/this material has seen better days — er/dieser Stoff hat (auch) schon bessere Zeiten or Tage gesehen


    (with poss adj = lifetime, best time) famous in her day — in ihrer Zeit berühmt

    4) no pl

    (= contest, battle) to win or carry the day — den Sieg bringen

    to lose/save the day — den Kampf verlieren/retten

    * * *
    day [deı] s
    1. Tag m (Ggs Nacht):
    it is broad day es ist heller Tag;
    before day vor Tagesanbruch;
    (as) clear as day
    a) taghell,
    b) auch (as) plain as day fig sonnenklar;
    good day! bes obs guten Tag!
    2. Tag m (Zeitraum):
    three days from London drei Tage(reisen) von London entfernt;
    one-day eintägig;
    work a four-day week vier Tage in der Woche arbeiten;
    five-day week Fünftagewoche f;
    open 7 days per week täglich geöffnet;
    I haven’t got all day umg ich hab nicht den ganzen Tag Zeit;
    (as) happy as the day is long wunschlos glücklich;
    (as) merry as the day is long quietschvergnügt umg; honest A 1, respite A 1, rest1 A 2
    3. (bestimmter) Tag:
    till the day of his death bis zu seinem Todestag;
    since the day dot umg seit einer Ewigkeit;
    first day at ( oder of) school erster Schultag; departure 1 b, New Year’s Day, etc
    4. Empfangs-, Besuchstag m
    5. a) (festgesetzter) Tag, Termin m:
    day of delivery Liefertermin, -tag;
    keep one’s day obs pünktlich sein
    b) SPORT Spieltag m
    6. meist pl (Lebens)Zeit f, Zeiten pl, Tage pl:
    in my young days in meinen Jugendtagen;
    in those days in jenen Tagen, damals;
    in the days of old vorzeiten, in alten Zeiten, einst;
    end one’s days seine Tage beschließen, sterben;
    all the days of one’s life sein ganzes Leben lang;
    a) das Tanzen habe ich aufgegeben,
    b) mit dem Tanzen geht es bei mir nicht mehr
    7. meist pl (beste) Zeit (des Lebens), Glanzzeit f:
    in our day zu unserer Zeit;
    every dog has his day (Sprichwort) jedem lacht einmal das Glück;
    have had one’s day sich überlebt haben, am Ende sein;
    he has had his day seine beste Zeit ist vorüber;
    the machine has had its day die Maschine hat ausgedient;
    those were the days! das waren noch Zeiten!
    8. ARCH Öffnung f, Lichte f (eines Fensters etc)
    9. Bergbau: Tag mBesondere Redewendungen: day after day Tag für Tag;
    a) tags darauf, am nächsten oder folgenden Tag,
    b) der nächste Tag;
    (day and) day about einen um den andern Tag, jeden zweiten Tag;
    day and night Tag und Nacht arbeiten etc;
    any day jeden Tag;
    any day (of the week) umg jederzeit;
    a) tags zuvor,
    b) der vorhergehende Tag;
    it was days before he came es vergingen oder es dauerte Tage, ehe er kam;
    by day, during the day bei Tag(e);
    a) tageweise,
    b) im Tagelohn arbeiten;
    day by day (tag)täglich, Tag für Tag, jeden Tag wieder;
    call it a day umg (für heute) Schluss machen;
    let’s call it a day! Feierabend!, Schluss für heute!;
    a) den Sieg davontragen,
    b) fig die Oberhand gewinnen;
    lose the day den Kampf verlieren;
    fall on evil days ins Unglück geraten;
    a) von Tag zu Tag, zusehends,
    b) von einem Tag zum anderen;
    day in, day out tagaus, tagein; immerfort;
    ask sb the time of day jemanden nach der Uhrzeit fragen;
    give sb the time of day jemandem guten Tag sagen;
    know the time of day wissen, was die Glocke geschlagen hat; Bescheid wissen;
    live for the day sorglos in den Tag hinein leben;
    that made my day umg damit war der Tag für mich gerettet;
    save the day die Lage retten;
    (in) these days, in this day and age heutzutage;
    one of these (fine) days demnächst, nächstens (einmal), eines schönen Tages;
    a) heute in einer Woche,
    b) heute vor einer Woche;
    to this day bis auf den heutigen Tag;
    to a day auf den Tag genau
    d. abk
    1. date
    3. day
    5. denarius, denarii pl, = penny, pence pl
    6. PHYS density
    7. died
    8. US dime
    * * *
    1) Tag, der

    all day [long] — den ganzen Tag [lang]

    take all day(fig.) eine Ewigkeit brauchen

    all day and every day — tagaus, tagein

    to this day, from that day to this — bis zum heutigen Tag

    for two days — zwei Tage [lang]

    what's the day or what day is it today? — welcher Tag ist heute?

    in a day/two days — (within) in od. an einem Tag/in zwei Tagen

    [on] the day after/before — am Tag danach/davor

    [the] next/[on] the following/[on] the previous day — am nächsten/folgenden/vorhergehenden Tag

    the day before yesterday/after tomorrow — vorgestern/übermorgen

    from this/that day [on] — von heute an/von diesem Tag an

    one of these [fine] days — eines [schönen] Tages

    some day — eines Tages; irgendwann einmal

    day by day, from day to day — von Tag zu Tag

    day in day out — tagaus, tagein

    call it a day (end work) Feierabend machen; (more generally) Schluss machen

    at the end of the day(fig.) letzten Endes

    it's not my day — ich habe [heute] einen schlechten Tag

    2) in sing. or pl. (period)

    in the days when... — zu der Zeit, als...

    in those days — damals; zu jener Zeit

    have seen/known better days — bessere Tage gesehen/gekannt haben

    in one's day — zu seiner Zeit; (during lifetime) in seinem Leben

    win or carry the day — den Sieg davontragen

    * * *
    Tag -e m.

    English-german dictionary > day

  • 15 -Talking about children-

    Social1 Talking about children
    Our second child was born in January. A gennaio è nato il nostro secondo figlio.
    She's a little cutie. È una bellissima bambina.
    She's teething at the moment. Sta mettendo i denti in questo periodo.
    Little Harry is going to nursery now. Il piccolo Harry va all'asilo ora.
    You're joking! Stai scherzando!
    The last time I saw him he was only a few months old. L'ultima volta che l'ho visto aveva solo pochi mesi.
    How old is he now? Quanti anni ha adesso?
    He's three and a half. Ha tre anni e mezzo.
    He's a right handful. È una vera peste.
    How's your boy, Tom? Come sta tuo figlio Tom?
    He's shot up recently. È cresciuto tutto d'un colpo.
    He's at that difficult age. Sta attraversando quell'età difficile.
    He started secondary school in September. Ha cominciato la scuola secondaria a settembre.
    I can't believe it! Non ci posso credere!
    Doesn't time fly? Il tempo vola, vero?
    How's he finding his new school? Cosa ne pensa della scuola nuova?
    The first few weeks were quite tough. Le prime settimane sono state piuttosto dure.
    He seems to have settled in okay now. Ora sembra essersi ambientato.
    He's got a new circle of friends and seems to like the school. Ha un nuovo giro di amici e sembra che la scuola gli piaccia.
    The teachers are very strict. Gli insegnanti sono molto severi.

    English-Italian dictionary > -Talking about children-

  • 16 yesterday

    1. n вчерашний день

    the day before yesterday — позавчера, третьего дня

    2. n недавнее прошлое
    3. n книжн. прошлое, былое
    4. a редк. вчерашний
    5. a редк. недавний
    6. adv вчера
    7. adv только вчера, недавно
    Синонимический ряд:
    antiquity (noun) antiquity; days of yore; foretime; good old days; history; long ago; old times; past; years ago; yesteryear; yore

    English-Russian base dictionary > yesterday

  • 17 Introduction

       Portugal is a small Western European nation with a large, distinctive past replete with both triumph and tragedy. One of the continent's oldest nation-states, Portugal has frontiers that are essentially unchanged since the late 14th century. The country's unique character and 850-year history as an independent state present several curious paradoxes. As of 1974, when much of the remainder of the Portuguese overseas empire was decolonized, Portuguese society appeared to be the most ethnically homogeneous of the two Iberian states and of much of Europe. Yet, Portuguese society had received, over the course of 2,000 years, infusions of other ethnic groups in invasions and immigration: Phoenicians, Greeks, Celts, Romans, Suevi, Visigoths, Muslims (Arab and Berber), Jews, Italians, Flemings, Burgundian French, black Africans, and Asians. Indeed, Portugal has been a crossroads, despite its relative isolation in the western corner of the Iberian Peninsula, between the West and North Africa, Tropical Africa, and Asia and America. Since 1974, Portugal's society has become less homogeneous, as there has been significant immigration of former subjects from its erstwhile overseas empire.
       Other paradoxes should be noted as well. Although Portugal is sometimes confused with Spain or things Spanish, its very national independence and national culture depend on being different from Spain and Spaniards. Today, Portugal's independence may be taken for granted. Since 1140, except for 1580-1640 when it was ruled by Philippine Spain, Portugal has been a sovereign state. Nevertheless, a recurring theme of the nation's history is cycles of anxiety and despair that its freedom as a nation is at risk. There is a paradox, too, about Portugal's overseas empire(s), which lasted half a millennium (1415-1975): after 1822, when Brazil achieved independence from Portugal, most of the Portuguese who emigrated overseas never set foot in their overseas empire, but preferred to immigrate to Brazil or to other countries in North or South America or Europe, where established Portuguese overseas communities existed.
       Portugal was a world power during the period 1415-1550, the era of the Discoveries, expansion, and early empire, and since then the Portuguese have experienced periods of decline, decadence, and rejuvenation. Despite the fact that Portugal slipped to the rank of a third- or fourth-rate power after 1580, it and its people can claim rightfully an unusual number of "firsts" or distinctions that assure their place both in world and Western history. These distinctions should be kept in mind while acknowledging that, for more than 400 years, Portugal has generally lagged behind the rest of Western Europe, although not Southern Europe, in social and economic developments and has remained behind even its only neighbor and sometime nemesis, Spain.
       Portugal's pioneering role in the Discoveries and exploration era of the 15th and 16th centuries is well known. Often noted, too, is the Portuguese role in the art and science of maritime navigation through the efforts of early navigators, mapmakers, seamen, and fishermen. What are often forgotten are the country's slender base of resources, its small population largely of rural peasants, and, until recently, its occupation of only 16 percent of the Iberian Peninsula. As of 1139—10, when Portugal emerged first as an independent monarchy, and eventually a sovereign nation-state, England and France had not achieved this status. The Portuguese were the first in the Iberian Peninsula to expel the Muslim invaders from their portion of the peninsula, achieving this by 1250, more than 200 years before Castile managed to do the same (1492).
       Other distinctions may be noted. Portugal conquered the first overseas empire beyond the Mediterranean in the early modern era and established the first plantation system based on slave labor. Portugal's empire was the first to be colonized and the last to be decolonized in the 20th century. With so much of its scattered, seaborne empire dependent upon the safety and seaworthiness of shipping, Portugal was a pioneer in initiating marine insurance, a practice that is taken for granted today. During the time of Pombaline Portugal (1750-77), Portugal was the first state to organize and hold an industrial trade fair. In distinctive political and governmental developments, Portugal's record is more mixed, and this fact suggests that maintaining a government with a functioning rule of law and a pluralist, representative democracy has not been an easy matter in a country that for so long has been one of the poorest and least educated in the West. Portugal's First Republic (1910-26), only the third republic in a largely monarchist Europe (after France and Switzerland), was Western Europe's most unstable parliamentary system in the 20th century. Finally, the authoritarian Estado Novo or "New State" (1926-74) was the longest surviving authoritarian system in modern Western Europe. When Portugal departed from its overseas empire in 1974-75, the descendants, in effect, of Prince Henry the Navigator were leaving the West's oldest empire.
       Portugal's individuality is based mainly on its long history of distinc-tiveness, its intense determination to use any means — alliance, diplomacy, defense, trade, or empire—to be a sovereign state, independent of Spain, and on its national pride in the Portuguese language. Another master factor in Portuguese affairs deserves mention. The country's politics and government have been influenced not only by intellectual currents from the Atlantic but also through Spain from Europe, which brought new political ideas and institutions and novel technologies. Given the weight of empire in Portugal's past, it is not surprising that public affairs have been hostage to a degree to what happened in her overseas empire. Most important have been domestic responses to imperial affairs during both imperial and internal crises since 1415, which have continued to the mid-1970s and beyond. One of the most important themes of Portuguese history, and one oddly neglected by not a few histories, is that every major political crisis and fundamental change in the system—in other words, revolution—since 1415 has been intimately connected with a related imperial crisis. The respective dates of these historical crises are: 1437, 1495, 1578-80, 1640, 1820-22, 1890, 1910, 1926-30, 1961, and 1974. The reader will find greater detail on each crisis in historical context in the history section of this introduction and in relevant entries.
       The Republic of Portugal is located on the western edge of the Iberian Peninsula. A major geographical dividing line is the Tagus River: Portugal north of it has an Atlantic orientation; the country to the south of it has a Mediterranean orientation. There is little physical evidence that Portugal is clearly geographically distinct from Spain, and there is no major natural barrier between the two countries along more than 1,214 kilometers (755 miles) of the Luso-Spanish frontier. In climate, Portugal has a number of microclimates similar to the microclimates of Galicia, Estremadura, and Andalusia in neighboring Spain. North of the Tagus, in general, there is an Atlantic-type climate with higher rainfall, cold winters, and some snow in the mountainous areas. South of the Tagus is a more Mediterranean climate, with hot, dry, often rainless summers and cool, wet winters. Lisbon, the capital, which has a fifth of the country's population living in its region, has an average annual mean temperature about 16° C (60° F).
       For a small country with an area of 92,345 square kilometers (35,580 square miles, including the Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and the Madeiras), which is about the size of the state of Indiana in the United States, Portugal has a remarkable diversity of regional topography and scenery. In some respects, Portugal resembles an island within the peninsula, embodying a unique fusion of European and non-European cultures, akin to Spain yet apart. Its geography is a study in contrasts, from the flat, sandy coastal plain, in some places unusually wide for Europe, to the mountainous Beira districts or provinces north of the Tagus, to the snow-capped mountain range of the Estrela, with its unique ski area, to the rocky, barren, remote Trás-os-Montes district bordering Spain. There are extensive forests in central and northern Portugal that contrast with the flat, almost Kansas-like plains of the wheat belt in the Alentejo district. There is also the unique Algarve district, isolated somewhat from the Alentejo district by a mountain range, with a microclimate, topography, and vegetation that resemble closely those of North Africa.
       Although Portugal is small, just 563 kilometers (337 miles) long and from 129 to 209 kilometers (80 to 125 miles) wide, it is strategically located on transportation and communication routes between Europe and North Africa, and the Americas and Europe. Geographical location is one key to the long history of Portugal's three overseas empires, which stretched once from Morocco to the Moluccas and from lonely Sagres at Cape St. Vincent to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is essential to emphasize the identity of its neighbors: on the north and east Portugal is bounded by Spain, its only neighbor, and by the Atlantic Ocean on the south and west. Portugal is the westernmost country of Western Europe, and its shape resembles a face, with Lisbon below the nose, staring into the
       Atlantic. No part of Portugal touches the Mediterranean, and its Atlantic orientation has been a response in part to turning its back on Castile and Léon (later Spain) and exploring, traveling, and trading or working in lands beyond the peninsula. Portugal was the pioneering nation in the Atlantic-born European discoveries during the Renaissance, and its diplomatic and trade relations have been dominated by countries that have been Atlantic powers as well: Spain; England (Britain since 1707); France; Brazil, once its greatest colony; and the United States.
       Today Portugal and its Atlantic islands have a population of roughly 10 million people. While ethnic homogeneity has been characteristic of it in recent history, Portugal's population over the centuries has seen an infusion of non-Portuguese ethnic groups from various parts of Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Between 1500 and 1800, a significant population of black Africans, brought in as slaves, was absorbed in the population. And since 1950, a population of Cape Verdeans, who worked in menial labor, has resided in Portugal. With the influx of African, Goan, and Timorese refugees and exiles from the empire—as many as three quarters of a million retornados ("returned ones" or immigrants from the former empire) entered Portugal in 1974 and 1975—there has been greater ethnic diversity in the Portuguese population. In 2002, there were 239,113 immigrants legally residing in Portugal: 108,132 from Africa; 24,806 from Brazil; 15,906 from Britain; 14,617 from Spain; and 11,877 from Germany. In addition, about 200,000 immigrants are living in Portugal from eastern Europe, mainly from Ukraine. The growth of Portugal's population is reflected in the following statistics:
       1527 1,200,000 (estimate only)
       1768 2,400,000 (estimate only)
       1864 4,287,000 first census
       1890 5,049,700
       1900 5,423,000
       1911 5,960,000
       1930 6,826,000
       1940 7,185,143
       1950 8,510,000
       1960 8,889,000
       1970 8,668,000* note decrease
       1980 9,833,000
       1991 9,862,540
       1996 9,934,100
       2006 10,642,836
       2010 10,710,000 (estimated)

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Introduction

  • 18 Ferro, Antônio

       Writer, journalist, cultural leader, and diplomat in the early and middle phases of the Estado Novo. Born into a family with strong republican sympathies and enrolled as a student in Lisbon University's Law Faculty, Ferro soon abandoned his faith in the chaotic republic, quit studying law, and became a poet, writer, and journalist. His reputation as a modernist and nationalist who was also a cosmopolitan, celebrated, prolific, and well-traveled journalist was acquired during the years 1917-33, when his publications attracted much public attention. Ferro published best-selling accounts include exclusive personal interviews of right-wing dictators in Italy, Spain, and other countries; portraits of the United States, including Hollywood in the 1920s; and a depiction of the turbulent Spanish Republic prior to the Spanish Civil War.
       The best-selling book that brought Ferro a key government job with the Estado Novo was composed of a series of 1932 interviews with Portugal's dictator, Salazar-O Homem e a Sua Obra (1933). This sensational book advanced an appealing image of Antônio de Oliveira Salazar, recently appointed premier by the military. The next year, Salazar invited Ferro to head the government's new information arm, Secretariado de Propaganda Nacional, which was renamed Secretariado Nacional da Informação (SNI) in 1944. From 1933 to 1949, Ferro directed this agency. Later alienated by the political situation, he was posted as a diplomat to Berne and Rome. Ferro married the Lisbon-based writer Maria Fernanda de Castro (1900-94). She collaborated with him on many writing and film projects. Ferro's so-called "policy of the Spirit" was a cultural policy that blended modernism, nationalism, and conservative values in the plastic and performing arts, film, and literature. After his diplomatic service abroad, he died in Lisbon.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Ferro, Antônio

  • 19 Sholes, Christopher Latham

    SUBJECT AREA: Paper and printing
    b. 14 February 1819 Mooresburg, Pennsylvania, USA
    d. 17 February 1890 USA
    American inventor of the first commercially successful typewriter.
    Sholes was born on his parents' farm, of a family that had originally come from England. After leaving school at 14, he was apprenticed for four years to the local newspaper, the Danville Intelligencer. He moved with his parents to Wisconsin, where he followed his trade as journalist and printer, within a year becoming State Printer and taking charge of the House journal of the State Legislature. When he was 20 he left home and joined his brother in Madison, Wisconsin, on the staff of the Wisconsin Enquirer. After marrying, he took the editorship of the Southport Telegraph, until he became Postmaster of Southport. His experiences as journalist and postmaster drew him into politics and, in spite of the delicate nature of his health and personality, he served with credit as State Senator and in the State Assembly. In 1860 he moved to Milwaukee, where he became Editor of the local paper until President Lincoln offered him the post of Collector of Customs at Milwaukee.
    That position at last gave Sholes time to develop his undoubted inventive talents. With a machinist friend, Samuel W.Soule, he obtained a patent for a paging machine and another two years later for a machine for numbering the blank pages of a book serially. At the small machine shop where they worked, there was a third inventor, Carlos Glidden. It was Glidden who suggested to Sholes that, in view of his numbering machine, he would be well equipped to develop a letter printing machine. Glidden drew Sholes's attention to an account of a writing machine that had recently been invented in London by John Pratt, and Sholes was so seized with the idea that he devoted the rest of his life to perfecting the machine. With Glidden and Soule, he took out a patent for a typewriter on June 1868 followed by two further patents for improvements. Sholes struggled unsuccessfully for five years to exploit his invention; his two partners gave up their rights in it and finally, on 1 March 1873, Sholes himself sold his rights to the Remington Arms Company for $12,000. With their mechanical skills and equipment, Remingtons were able to perfect the Sholes typewriter and put it on the market. This, the first commercially successful typewriter, led to a revolution not only in office work, but also in work for women, although progress was slow at first. When the New York Young Women's Christian Association bought six Remingtons in 1881 to begin classes for young women, eight turned up for the first les-son; and five years later it was estimated that there were 60,000 female typists in the USA. Sholes said, "I feel that I have done something for the women who have always had to work so hard. This will more easily enable them to earn a living."
    Sholes continued his work on the typewriter, giving Remingtons the benefit of his results. His last patent was granted in 1878. Never very strong, Sholes became consumptive and spent much of his remaining nine years in the vain pursuit of health.
    23 June 1868, US patent no. 79,265 (the first typewriter patent).
    Further Reading
    M.H.Adler, 1973, The Writing Machine, London: Allen \& Unwin.

    Biographical history of technology > Sholes, Christopher Latham

  • 20 Stephenson, George

    b. 9 June 1781 Wylam, Northumberland, England
    d. 12 August 1848 Tapton House, Chesterfield, England
    English engineer, "the father of railways".
    George Stephenson was the son of the fireman of the pumping engine at Wylam colliery, and horses drew wagons of coal along the wooden rails of the Wylam wagonway past the house in which he was born and spent his earliest childhood. While still a child he worked as a cowherd, but soon moved to working at coal pits. At 17 years of age he showed sufficient mechanical talent to be placed in charge of a new pumping engine, and had already achieved a job more responsible than that of his father. Despite his position he was still illiterate, although he subsequently learned to read and write. He was largely self-educated.
    In 1801 he was appointed Brakesman of the winding engine at Black Callerton pit, with responsibility for lowering the miners safely to their work. Then, about two years later, he became Brakesman of a new winding engine erected by Robert Hawthorn at Willington Quay on the Tyne. Returning collier brigs discharged ballast into wagons and the engine drew the wagons up an inclined plane to the top of "Ballast Hill" for their contents to be tipped; this was one of the earliest applications of steam power to transport, other than experimentally.
    In 1804 Stephenson moved to West Moor pit, Killingworth, again as Brakesman. In 1811 he demonstrated his mechanical skill by successfully modifying a new and unsatisfactory atmospheric engine, a task that had defeated the efforts of others, to enable it to pump a drowned pit clear of water. The following year he was appointed Enginewright at Killingworth, in charge of the machinery in all the collieries of the "Grand Allies", the prominent coal-owning families of Wortley, Liddell and Bowes, with authorization also to work for others. He built many stationary engines and he closely examined locomotives of John Blenkinsop's type on the Kenton \& Coxlodge wagonway, as well as those of William Hedley at Wylam.
    It was in 1813 that Sir Thomas Liddell requested George Stephenson to build a steam locomotive for the Killingworth wagonway: Blucher made its first trial run on 25 July 1814 and was based on Blenkinsop's locomotives, although it lacked their rack-and-pinion drive. George Stephenson is credited with building the first locomotive both to run on edge rails and be driven by adhesion, an arrangement that has been the conventional one ever since. Yet Blucher was far from perfect and over the next few years, while other engineers ignored the steam locomotive, Stephenson built a succession of them, each an improvement on the last.
    During this period many lives were lost in coalmines from explosions of gas ignited by miners' lamps. By observation and experiment (sometimes at great personal risk) Stephenson invented a satisfactory safety lamp, working independently of the noted scientist Sir Humphry Davy who also invented such a lamp around the same time.
    In 1817 George Stephenson designed his first locomotive for an outside customer, the Kilmarnock \& Troon Railway, and in 1819 he laid out the Hetton Colliery Railway in County Durham, for which his brother Robert was Resident Engineer. This was the first railway to be worked entirely without animal traction: it used inclined planes with stationary engines, self-acting inclined planes powered by gravity, and locomotives.
    On 19 April 1821 Stephenson was introduced to Edward Pease, one of the main promoters of the Stockton \& Darlington Railway (S \& DR), which by coincidence received its Act of Parliament the same day. George Stephenson carried out a further survey, to improve the proposed line, and in this he was assisted by his 18-year-old son, Robert Stephenson, whom he had ensured received the theoretical education which he himself lacked. It is doubtful whether either could have succeeded without the other; together they were to make the steam railway practicable.
    At George Stephenson's instance, much of the S \& DR was laid with wrought-iron rails recently developed by John Birkinshaw at Bedlington Ironworks, Morpeth. These were longer than cast-iron rails and were not brittle: they made a track well suited for locomotives. In June 1823 George and Robert Stephenson, with other partners, founded a firm in Newcastle upon Tyne to build locomotives and rolling stock and to do general engineering work: after its Managing Partner, the firm was called Robert Stephenson \& Co.
    In 1824 the promoters of the Liverpool \& Manchester Railway (L \& MR) invited George Stephenson to resurvey their proposed line in order to reduce opposition to it. William James, a wealthy land agent who had become a visionary protagonist of a national railway network and had seen Stephenson's locomotives at Killingworth, had promoted the L \& MR with some merchants of Liverpool and had carried out the first survey; however, he overreached himself in business and, shortly after the invitation to Stephenson, became bankrupt. In his own survey, however, George Stephenson lacked the assistance of his son Robert, who had left for South America, and he delegated much of the detailed work to incompetent assistants. During a devastating Parliamentary examination in the spring of 1825, much of his survey was shown to be seriously inaccurate and the L \& MR's application for an Act of Parliament was refused. The railway's promoters discharged Stephenson and had their line surveyed yet again, by C.B. Vignoles.
    The Stockton \& Darlington Railway was, however, triumphantly opened in the presence of vast crowds in September 1825, with Stephenson himself driving the locomotive Locomotion, which had been built at Robert Stephenson \& Co.'s Newcastle works. Once the railway was at work, horse-drawn and gravity-powered traffic shared the line with locomotives: in 1828 Stephenson invented the horse dandy, a wagon at the back of a train in which a horse could travel over the gravity-operated stretches, instead of trotting behind.
    Meanwhile, in May 1826, the Liverpool \& Manchester Railway had successfully obtained its Act of Parliament. Stephenson was appointed Engineer in June, and since he and Vignoles proved incompatible the latter left early in 1827. The railway was built by Stephenson and his staff, using direct labour. A considerable controversy arose c. 1828 over the motive power to be used: the traffic anticipated was too great for horses, but the performance of the reciprocal system of cable haulage developed by Benjamin Thompson appeared in many respects superior to that of contemporary locomotives. The company instituted a prize competition for a better locomotive and the Rainhill Trials were held in October 1829.
    Robert Stephenson had been working on improved locomotive designs since his return from America in 1827, but it was the L \& MR's Treasurer, Henry Booth, who suggested the multi-tubular boiler to George Stephenson. This was incorporated into a locomotive built by Robert Stephenson for the trials: Rocket was entered by the three men in partnership. The other principal entrants were Novelty, entered by John Braithwaite and John Ericsson, and Sans Pareil, entered by Timothy Hackworth, but only Rocket, driven by George Stephenson, met all the organizers' demands; indeed, it far surpassed them and demonstrated the practicability of the long-distance steam railway. With the opening of the Liverpool \& Manchester Railway in 1830, the age of railways began.
    Stephenson was active in many aspects. He advised on the construction of the Belgian State Railway, of which the Brussels-Malines section, opened in 1835, was the first all-steam railway on the European continent. In England, proposals to link the L \& MR with the Midlands had culminated in an Act of Parliament for the Grand Junction Railway in 1833: this was to run from Warrington, which was already linked to the L \& MR, to Birmingham. George Stephenson had been in charge of the surveys, and for the railway's construction he and J.U. Rastrick were initially Principal Engineers, with Stephenson's former pupil Joseph Locke under them; by 1835 both Stephenson and Rastrick had withdrawn and Locke was Engineer-in-Chief. Stephenson remained much in demand elsewhere: he was particularly associated with the construction of the North Midland Railway (Derby to Leeds) and related lines. He was active in many other places and carried out, for instance, preliminary surveys for the Chester \& Holyhead and Newcastle \& Berwick Railways, which were important links in the lines of communication between London and, respectively, Dublin and Edinburgh.
    He eventually retired to Tapton House, Chesterfield, overlooking the North Midland. A man who was self-made (with great success) against colossal odds, he was ever reluctant, regrettably, to give others their due credit, although in retirement, immensely wealthy and full of honour, he was still able to mingle with people of all ranks.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    President, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, on its formation in 1847. Order of Leopold (Belgium) 1835. Stephenson refused both a knighthood and Fellowship of the Royal Society.
    1815, jointly with Ralph Dodd, British patent no. 3,887 (locomotive drive by connecting rods directly to the wheels).
    1817, jointly with William Losh, British patent no. 4,067 (steam springs for locomotives, and improvements to track).
    Further Reading
    L.T.C.Rolt, 1960, George and Robert Stephenson, Longman (the best modern biography; includes a bibliography).
    S.Smiles, 1874, The Lives of George and Robert Stephenson, rev. edn, London (although sycophantic, this is probably the best nineteenthcentury biography).

    Biographical history of technology > Stephenson, George

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